My goal as a Naturopathic Doctor is to employ therapies that support and promote the body's natural healing process, leading to the highest state of wellness. As professional leaders and pioneers in science-based natural medicine, I strive to advocate the development of professional standards, accountability, and regulation of all forms of medicine in all jurisdictions to maintain public safety and freedom of choice in health care. Further, as an ND, I support broad inclusion, collaboration and equal access in the health care system at all levels.
Remember that the human person is one of the most dynamic and adaptive organisms on the planet. Despite how bad and sick you may feel, never forget that you are the product of some thirty million years of creation and evolution and are as near to perfect as anything on earth. The biochemical machinery programmed into you will return you to well-being 90% of the time if the program is properly handled. You and yours have a unique role to play in the destiny of our race. Consider it a privilege to be included in the long list of living beings to occupy space on this beautiful planet. Furthering your own survival and the well-being of other creatures is a calling, which cannot be diminished.
I wish you well and hope to be of assistance to you,
Dr. Reina Persaud BSc, ND